
A B2B e-commerce solution focusing on industries such as as Pharmaceuticals, Food & FMCG, Clothing, Electronics and Home & Kitchen

My Role

UX Researcher

My UX Research Process

01 Discover


Udaan sells both patent (Rx) and generic medicines (Gx) on their app but the buyers (pharmacists) were leaning towards Rx much more which was confusing as Gx medicines provided better margins and profits for both Udaan and the pharmacists.

Problem Statement

Identify and communicate the sale variance between Generic and Patented medicines to improve Generic sales

Research Goals

Post discussions and some back and forth with the clients, the following goals were selected as the primary goals of the study:

  • To identify buyer thought processes and purchase behavior while ordering generic medicines
  • To gauge motivational factors around generic medicines
  • To discover pain points and need gaps while purchasing generic medicines
  • To gather overall feedback and suggestions to improve generic buying in-app experience

02 Plan

Methods Chosen

We decided to conduct User Interviews + Usability tests with the Buyers

  • User Interviews
  • Usability Testing
  • Contextual Inquiry

The interviews conducted were semi-structured in nature giving flexibility to the moderator to dive deeper into the exploratory goals of the research while still maintaining validity

Why these methods?

Contextual Inquiry enables understanding of a User's natural environment and workflow. This aided us in understanding the context of the app users and observe their behavior in their own comfort space

Moderated online sessions were chosen because of their cost (time and economic) effectiveness

User Profiles

  • An equal split of buyers from the high and low purchase category were chosen according to their purchase data to understand differences, if any, in purchase behavior of high ordering/ bigger pharmacies and low ordering/ smaller shops
  • The users were split across three low and three high performing cities according to Udaan's database in an attempt to eliminate popularity bias
  • The cities included tier one cities in India such as Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Kolkata and tier two cities like Jaipur and Hyderabad
  • The users were sampled using quota and convenience sampling
Fig 1. User Profile Breakdown

Timeline Summary

03 Execute


  • Brainstorming for the Interview protocol
  • Screen Analysis for Usability testing questions
  • Collating Questions
  • Note-Taking & Rainbow Sheet*
  • Interview Scheduling

The Interview protocol was developed through brainstorming on Miro. A team of three researchers independently came up with questions for the interview protocol and then discussed to collate them.

The tasks were identified and prioritized working closely with the stakeholders and an in-depth screen analysis was done to map out the task flows and develop Usability Testing questions

Note-taking and the rainbow  sheet were prepared on Google Sheets

*Highlighted in Fig 7.
Fig 3. Screen analysis on Miro for designing the discussion guide for Usability testing
Fig 4. Brainstorming and data collation for preparing the interview protocol

Data Collection

  • 3-4 interviews were planned per day
  • Contextual Inquiry at the beginning to get a better sense of a buyer’s context

Buyers in Bangalore were interviewed in person at their pharmacy shops to get a better understanding of their day to day activities, how they interact with the time, how much time they take in giving out orders and how their medicine stock is arranged at their shops

Fig 5. Conducting Contextual Inquiry at a Pharmacist’s Shop in Bangalore, India

04 Analyze

Analysis Method

  • Employed Continuous and Comprehensive Content Analysis (CCCA) using the Rainbow Sheet for UI and UT
  • Affinity mapping was done to test and compare the two methodologies
Fig 6. Affinity Mapping on Miro with Major and Minor themes in black

Analysis Process

  • Notes were scanned, revised and highlighted for swift parsing
  • The rainbow sheet was completed and themes were broken down/ combined as required
  • Overlapping buckets and segments were combined to reduce repetition
Fig 7. Rainbow sheet for data analysis with responses in percentages- overall and per category for each buyer category on the left

05 Propagate

Reporting Style

  • The report was written in detail with evidence, or user quotes, accompanying every finding
  • Every finding answered ‘why’ questions with user emotions, motivations and values
  • The report was detailed enough to be read and understood independently or without an accompanying presentation
  • Key Takeaways were placed at the top in consideration of busier stakeholders

Presentation Style

The report was presented as a user advocate with an emphasis on user emotions. 

Neutrality was maintained during observation and analysis to combat bias but empathy was evoked during presentation to deliver findings that are ‘felt’ and understood.

Summarized Findings

  • Inventory and wallet share split for generic medicine, on and off the platform, was understood with on an average only 20% of stock consisting of Gx medicines
  • Ecological and service specific roadblocks for buying generic medicines were identified such as- lack of demand and awareness among the buyers & stock unavailability and lack of competitive pricing on the app
  • Decision making factors while choosing a vendor for Gx medicines were specified- quick delivery, money saving schemes, new stock and supportive network
  • In-app behavior was highlighted for search, deals section, medicine listing and add to cart page as highlighted below

06 Learn

Part of my process is to analyze at the end how the project went about and dissect the processes to look for opportunities for improvement. As a surgeon dissects a body after death to understand what went wrong, I feel it is important for a UX professional to do the same at the end of every project/ cycle, i.e. to do a Post-Mortem.


Personally I learned how to-

  • Conduct Contextual Inquiry
  • Appropriate usage of probing questions
  • Utility of silence during moderation
  • Qualitative Data Analysis for about 30 participants

Silence if often uncomfortable in common language use but its tolerance can be helpful during moderation as a lot of times participants take a few seconds to pause and continue their train of thought. Giving them this time enables richer insights.


The rest of the Research team was trained on Motivation Analysis by discussing the Self-Determination Theory of Motivation by Ryan and Deci and enumerating various motivational factors

Fig 9. Invitation of the Knowledge share session on Motivational Analysis 

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